Wyoming Introduces ‘Doomsday Bill’ To Prepare For Collapse of Federal Government

Legislation lays plans for alternate currency in aftermath of US dollar devaluation

Paul Joseph Watson

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lawmakers in Wyoming have introduced a bill that would compel the state to prepare for a complete collapse of the federal government, laying plans for an alternate currency, a standing army raised via a military draft, and an aircraft carrier.

“House Bill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-run government continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming for potential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to a complete meltdown of the federal government,” reports the Wyoming Star-Tribune.

Compared to the rest of the country, Wyoming’s public finances are in a relatively good condition, a fact that has spurred lawmakers to protect the state against contagion from other areas that could develop in the aftermath of a massive financial collapse.

The bill (PDF) lays the groundwork for how the state would respond in the event of a sudden devaluation of the dollar or “a situation in which the federal government has no effective power or authority over the people of the United States.”

“I don’t think there’s anyone in this room today what would come up here and say that this country is in good shape, that the world is stable and in good shape — because that is clearly not the case,” state Rep. Lorraine Quarberg, R-Thermopolis, said. “To put your head in the sand and think that nothing bad’s going to happen, and that we have no obligation to the citizens of the state of Wyoming to at least have the discussion, is not healthy.”

The bill has to pass two more House votes before it can be considered by the Senate. If passed, the task force would have until December 1, 2012 to submit a report to the governor detailing the continuity of government plan.

While authorities at both the state and federal level are making preparations for social dislocation, with FEMA recently ordering $1 billion dollars worth of dehydrated food, a total of 420 million meals, Americans who buy food supplies in bulk are being characterized as potential terrorists by the FBI.

Continuity of government plans implemented at the federal level are so sensitive that when the plan was last updated in 2007, Congressman Peter DeFazio was barred from seeing the details despite being a sitting member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Peter DeFazio (D – OR) was asked by his constituents to see what was contained within the classified portion of the White House’s plan for operating the government after a catastrophic terrorist attack, but was denied access, leading him to comment, “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right.”

Five years later, the biggest threat posed to America’s survival in its current form of government stems not from terrorists but from the country’s huge unsustainable national debt and the possibility of another economic collapse.

A USA Today article published yesterday quoted three separate financial experts who all concur that the worst of the financial turmoil is yet to come, with trend forecaster Gerald Celente warning of an “economic 9/11″ that will provoke mass civil unrest fueled by anti-government sentiment.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Monday, February 27, 2012 at 6:32 am

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Ron Paul Wins in House Vote: Fed Audit Passes Despite Foolish Opposition From Democratic Leadership

Michael Luciano in Business, Monetary Policy 4 months ago

Ron Paul Wins in House Vote Fed Audit Passes Despite Foolish Opposition From Democratic Leadership

UPDATE: The House of Representatives just passed Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act by a vote of 327 to 98. Find out if your Representative voted for this important piece of legislation here.

The bill now heads to the senate, where it will be up to the majority senate Democrats to bring it to vote. Sadly, it may not get that far. Stay tuned.

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Originally slated for a vote on Tuesday, Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act was pushed back to Wednesday on the House of Representatives’ suspension calendar. This means that the vote will require a two-thirds majority for passage (290 out of 435), debate will be limited to 40 minutes, and it will be a closed rule, thus preventing amendments from being added. For all intents and purposes, the vote should be quick, painless, and successful because Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill has 274 cosponsors, and House Democratic leaders have said they will not whip against the bill, even though they have attacked the bill as dangerous. From there it will go to the senate, where the prospect of passage is not so rosy.

During debate on the Fed Transparency Act yesterday, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D – MD) gave a foolish floor speech against bill, and circulated a letter to House Democrats urging them to vote “no.” It read in part:

“In order for the Federal Reserve to do its job effectively, it should not be subject to short-term political pressures. The experience during debate on the debt ceiling last summer should demonstrate to the American public that House Republicans cannot be allowed to hold our economy or our critical economic institutions hostage in order to further their extreme agenda.”

One must wonder, what job would that be? If the job of the Fed is to act as the primary rescue vehicle for troubled banks by infusing them with money at virtually zero interest while debasing the currency, and while millions of Americans struggle to get manageable interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and credit cards from those very banks who get interest-free loans, then by this standard the Fed has done a bang-up job.

But if the job of the Fed, as its mandate says, is to achieve full employment and stable prices, it has failed abysmally. Even worse, it helped facilitate the very mess we currently find ourselves in. After the September 11 attacks, the Bush administration and the Fed were so frightened the country would slip into recession, they slashed interest rates to below 2% and kept them there for three years hoping the easy flow of credit would spur consumer demand. It did, especially in the housing market. The bubble fueled by the Fed’s loose monetary policy and the monstrous speculative casino on Wall Street that is the derivatives market burst in spectacular fashion, bringing down with it the global economy.

And now leading House Democrats oppose an audit of the Fed because it might hinder the Fed’s ability to do its job.

Given the above considerations, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

As for Hoyer’s contention that the Fed mustn’t be subjected to short-term political pressures, the reality is, everything is political, as a fiery Dennis Kucinich (D – OH) pointed out yesterday on the House floor.

Ron Paul Wins in House Vote: Fed Audit Passes Despite Foolish Opposition From Democratic Leadership.

The $15 Trillion Mystery

By Jeff Nielson
02/24/12 – 08:06 AM EST

The following commentary comes from an independent investor or market observer as part of TheStreet’s guest contributor program, which is separate from the company’s news coverage.

These are the two principal questions being framed today, after Lord James of Blackheath (a member of the UK House of Lords) unveiled documentation (and accusations) concerning a mounting of illegitimate cash: $15 trillion.

At the moment, only Lord James is asking these questions. However, if he gets his way there will be an official inquiry into this massive, money-laundering operation. Already, Lord James possesses documents with the signatures of people like Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner on them, as well as massive transfers of funds to virtually every mega-bank in the U.S. and UK.

While Lord James (himself a former banker) is holding the “paper trail” for all of this dirty money, he has no firm ideas about either the source of the money nor the intent of all of these massive transfers (all in the hundreds of billions) to U.S. and UK banks. Perhaps I can help him out?

Regular readers will be familiar with some of my own speculation into U.S. money-laundering (and counterfeiting of its own currency). Of interest, my own theorizing was based on a series of logical deductions that implied that some massive money-laundering operation (of counterfeit currency) must be taking place in the dying U.S. economy. And now we have a detailed paper-trail on the largest (known) money-laundering operation in history.

To refresh the memory of regular readers and to inform new readers, back on Jan. 3, I published a commentary titled “Maximum Fraud in U.S. Treasuries Market”. In that commentary, I outlined a series of simple-yet-obvious deductions pointing out the following facts:

There are (virtually) no visible buyers for U.S. Treasuries on the planet (at any price).

Even if there were interested buyers, there are no sources of capital available to mop up all the trillions in supply being dumped onto the market each year.

Even if there actually were interested buyers, and even if they could scrounge the $trillions to buy this worthless paper, it is utterly absurd to suggest that these buyers would pay (by far) the highest prices in history for this paper at a time of maximum supply. It defies every basic principle of supply and demand.

Taking this scenario from “absurd” to outright insanity, the U.S. economy has never been less solvent in its entire history. This directly implies that U.S. Treasuries should be fetching the lowest prices in history — not the highest — just like the worthless bonds being flogged by Europe’s deadbeat-debtors.

In other words, by process of simple deduction it was totally obvious that a gigantic, money-laundering operation was being conducted, with the primary goal being to prop-up the totally fraudulent U.S. Treasuries market. All that was missing was a paper trail to prove this fraud, and now Lord James of Blackheath has been kind enough to provide this.

Undoubtedly many readers will be skeptical of this, assuming that there would be no need to get into such a cloak-and-dagger (and blatantly illegal) process to pretend that worthless U.S. Treasuries still have value. Supposedly, these bonds have more “value” than at any time in history – despite the issuer of those IOU’s being hopelessly insolvent and merely delaying its own bankruptcy.

The $15 Trillion Mystery: Opinion – TheStreet.

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